

发布时间: 2024-05-09 04:49:39北京青年报社官方账号

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"But slashing prices may also have a side effect: hurting its brand image," Xiang added.


"China hopes the two sides will cherish the positive progress made during this period of time, maintain patience, exchange goodwill, and move toward each other," Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang said on Friday when commenting on Washington's abrupt withdrawal from a summit with DPRK top leader Kim Jong-un.


"But this, we cannot get a single glimpse of in any media here," he said. "So, it's very unbalanced, it's not convincing. I do hope that the British media do justice to the British readers and present a balanced picture.If you take a deep breath, reflect on what will be the consequences, if those lawbreakers have their way. Hong Kong will be plunged into a lawless society. Will it serve the interests of the region? Will it serve the interests of stability, prosperity? Will that serve the interests of 300,000 (British) citizens in HK? The answer is definitely no."


"Can you imagine how hard it was for these women who lived in small villages in China to sue Japan, to take on the superpower, and to tell the stories to the world?" said Julie Tang, co-chair of the Comfort Women Justice Coalition, which is composed of more than 30 organizations with over 300 members of diverse ethnic backgrounds.


"China presents enormous opportunities for Canadian businesses looking to diversify into new markets," said Carr. "Through the dialogue, we will discuss ways to collaborate with this important partner and advance the dialogue to grow our trade relationship."


